Hey friends,
We are back again and this time we are making the Guy Fawkes mask famously known as V for Vendetta mask. It was used by Guy Fawkes to hide his identity while doing the gunpowder plot. He laid thirty six barrels of gunpowder and went there wearing that mask fully clad with black cloth. In this blog we will share how to make that very own mask for yourself.
Step 1: Take a base of the mask made of paper. Tape it with clear tape to make it water resistant.
Step 2:Use tissue papers or old newspaper and put it in a solution of glue and water.
Step 3:Apply 3-4 coats on the mask. Let it dry overnight.
Step 4:Apply a thin layer of white cement on the inner area. Let it dry.  
Step 5:Paint it with colors if your choice. It is ready.
We have made a lot of masks for assembly. We were also planning to make an effigy of Guy Fawkes but we could not make it due to the weather condition as it will not dry.
We will soon share the images of completed mask soon.
Tejas Luthra
(group leader-props and presentation in charge)


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